Объемы балкового вина в мире в 2015 году

Согласно последним статистическим данным из всего глобального экспорта вина в 2015 году на долю бутылочного приходится 54.3%; на долю балкового – 38.6% или 39.49 млн гл. Остальные 7.1% – это мировой экспорт игристых вин и шампанского, выделенные в отдельную категорию. В 2000-м году на долю экспортного балка приходилось 34%. За 15 лет рост составил 4%.

Если брать в расчет все балковое вино, а не только то, что идет на экспорт, то его объем за последние 15 лет вырос на 71% с 59.99 млн гектолитров в 2000-м и до 102.43 млн в прошлом году.

В денежном выражении рост за указанные 15 лет еще больший с €13 704 и до €28 333 млн – 107%.

Средняя цена литра балка выросла на 16% с €0.61 в 2000-м и до €0.71 в 2015-м.

В ноябре этого года состоится очередная ежегодная восьмая по счету выставка World Bulk Wine Exhibition в голландском Амстердаме. Ожидается, что ее посетит около 6 тыс гостей со всего мира – это примерно 85% глобальных поставщиков балкового вина.

Если говорить о США, то в прошлом году в страну было поставлено 277 млн литров балкового вина на $250 млн.

По данным сайта thedrinksbusiness.com

Лондонский пожар 1666 года

В сентябре этого года исполнилось ровно 350 лет знаменитому великому лондонскому пожару 1666 года. В истории британской столицы пожары были частым бедствием, но этот был особенно сильным и разрушительным. Как писал в 19-ом веке историк Thomas Macaulay, подобной силы трагедии не было со времен знаменитого пожара Рима при Нероне в июле 64 года нашей эры. Следующим сопоставимым по разрушительной силе бедствием в истории Европы были бомбежки Дрездена американской авиацией в конце Второй мировой войны в 1945 году.

Огонь распространялся очень быстро. Этому способствовала сплошь деревянная застройка города, когда дома стояли буквально впритык друг к другу, и сильный ветер. До этого в Лондоне на протяжении нескольких недель не выпало ни капли дождя. (Даже не верится в это, зная постоянные жалобы лондонцев и гостей города на многочисленные дожди в столице.) В час сгорало до 100 домов. Постепенно огонь подобрался и к складам, расположенным вдоль северного берега Темзы. Они были забиты легковоспламеняющимися материалами: конопляным маслом, смолой, углем, древесиной, хмелем, а также вином и коньяком. Исследовав расплавившуюся во время пожара глиняную посуду, специалисты пришли к выводу, что в эпицентре стихии температура достигала значений в 1700°C.

Об этом пожаре подробно рассказал в своем дневнике Samuel Pepys. (Известная личность, но о нем чуть позже.) Он записал, что видел, как “его сосед, Sir William Batten, спрятал свое вино в яме в саду, прежде чем покинуть свой дом, спасаясь от пожара. Здесь в земле вино лучше сохранится, чем оставлять его в доме или забирать с собой в повозку, – объяснял Batten.” На следующий день, видя как огненные языки быстро движутся в сторону его дома, сам Pepys закопал в землю в саду свое лучшее вино и головку безценного сыра пармезан. Интересно другое, тщательно описывая даже самые мелкие повседневные детали в своем дневнике, он почему то никогда дальше не упоминал, откопал ли он эти “сокровища” или нет? Думается, что да!

Пожар бушевал пять дней подряд. Огнем было уничтожено 13 тыс домов или 5/6 частей Лондона. При этом документы утверждают, что от огня погибло только 6 (!!) человек. Хотя современные историки считают, что число жертв было значительно больше. Урон от пожара оценивался тогда в £10 миллионов, что с учетом инфляции за 300 лет дает в сегодняшних ценах порядка £1.1 миллиарда. Потеря товаров на складах, домашнего скарба и имущества добавляет еще £2 миллиарда. Сгоревшие запасы табака, сахара, алкоголя – еще £1.5 миллиарда.

Главный поставщик вина для тогдашнего короля Англии Charles, Sir William Hale, потерял в пожаре весь свой товар и обратился с петицией к монарху компенсировать ему потери. А вдова предыдущего королевского винного поставщика, Elizabeth Proctor, после пожара нашла свое финансовое положение таким удручающим, что попросила короля срочно вернуть £600 долга, который тот был должен ее семье с 1662 года (уже 4 года) за вино, поставленное королю для угощения прусского посла!

А теперь о Samuel Pepys (Самюэль Пепис, 1633-1703). Он был высокопоставленным чиновником английского военно-морского флота, членом Парламента, который в период с 1660 по 1669 годы вел подробный личный дневник, сохранившийся и до наших дней. Он является хорошей иллюстрацией жизни британского общества времен периода Реставрации Стюартов. Так в его дневниках подробно описаны многие исторические события – эпидемия чумы в Лондоне, Вторая англо-голландская война, Великий пожар в Лондоне и т.д. Самюэль был большим любителем вкусно поесть и хорошо выпить, благо материальный достаток позволял ему это. О том, что он ел и пил, Пепис также все тщательно записывал. И среди его записей от 10 апреля 1663 года после посещения Royall Oak Tavern есть такая, ставшая знаменитой: «Выпил французкого вина под названием Ho Bryan, которое имеет хороший и в высшей степени особенный вкус, которого я никогда не встречал прежде». Речь шла о вине О-Брион (Haut-Brion), первом французском кларете, продававшимся под названием шато, где был выращен виноград.

Самюэль Пепис в 1665 году стал Президентом Британского Королевского Общества. В июле 1686 года к нему обратился Иссак Ньютон с просьбой поставить на его работу печать Общества, означающую одобрение к публикации его литературного труда «Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica» («Математические начала натуральной философии»), одного из самых знаменитых в истории науки, в котором он сформулировал закон всемирного тяготения и три закона Ньютона, заложившие основы классической механики. На приведенном изображении обложки этой книги не трудно увидеть надпись: «S.Pepys, 5 июля 1686».

В 1703 году сам Ньютон становится президентом Королевского Общества. Именно тогда было выпущено второе издание этой книги и имя Пеписа в этот раз на обложке уже не упоминалось.

Weekly analytical column of Vadim Drobiz Week May, 23 2016 – June, 05 2016 (13)

Week May, 23 2016 – June, 05 2016

Vadim Drobiz – Head of the Center for Federal and Regional Alcohol Market Research (CFRAMR)

The most quoted in the Russian media expert on the alcohol market of Russia, former Soviet republics and Eastern Europe. The latest news, detailed analysis, commentary, statistical databases on the alcohol market since 2002.

Full versions of the materials published in Russian on the website Vadim Drobiz http://cifrra.info/

How to drink vodka right way?

Vodka – a unique drink, which is not similar to any other. Established a long time ago, it quickly became the Russian national drink. Neglecting, for some time existed to this drink in some segments of the population, it has long been replaced respect to real quality Russian vodka. Of all hard liquor vodka is the cleanest and safest for the body. Of course, if you know how to drink it.

What is the problem?

If vodka is used by man regularly and in small quantities, then consume it person already has an algorithm of actions, which makes the drink a pleasant addition to the daily life. Difficulties arise when a large amount of vodka is used in a relatively small amount of time, such as during the evening. The most difficult control process of intoxication is for people who believe that they know how to drink vodka. The consequences did not take long in coming. Meanwhile, in preparation for the event with the consumption of alcohol should only comply with certain rules, and the evening will be fun and active, and the next morning – really good.

Preparing for the event

If you plan to drink more than 100 grams of vodka for the evening, it is recommended to protect yourself and try to prevent severe intoxication and all the ensuing negative consequences. What do we recommend?

– On the eve should sleep well. If you can not relax enough during the night, you can lie down during the day. Well-rested body is better able to resist the harmful effects of alcohol, more precisely regulates the organs and body systems, aimed at detoxification.

– During the day you need to eat well, preferring not heavy food, with plenty of food plant fibers, without the excess protein, so as not to create waste in the gut, which will prevent the removal from the body of excess alcohol consumed in the evening.

– About an hour before the beginning of the consumption of alcohol should take activated charcoal. The dose per one intake depends on the weight of people: 10 kg weight per 1 tablet is used. The drug is washed down with plenty of water or dissolved in it milled tablets and drink a suspension.

– 20 minutes before the feast, or with its beginning recommended to eat a slice of bacon, bread and butter, or just drink a spoonful of vegetable oil. Fat prevents rapid absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream through the walls of blood vessels, stretch the process over time and a sharp intoxication does not occur. On spoiled the figure in this case do not worry: alcohol breaks down fat well enough. It will go to the energy supply of the organism in the course of the evening, and not postponed to the reserve in body tissues.

Drink in the joy

People are going to the company as a rule not only with the aim to have a drink of vodka, and especially not to set a record in it consumption. The aim of any feast are communication, pleasant meeting with nice, interesting people, relatives, etc. Vodka in this case, only attribute, complement, a component of the feast. In order not to spoil the chat at the table and did not miss it a significant part, should adhere to certain rules.

– At the beginning of the meal, after 20 – 30 minutes after an invitation to the table, pharmacists recommend taking a pill of Mezym or other enzyme products, which increase the processing capacity of the stomach.

– Traditionally, vodka is poured into the bowl of a small volume. Glass for it (in Russian “stopka”) contains not more than 50 mg (1.7 ounce). Note: this figure is the maximum volume of the container, not the middle portion of vodka! Drink fills stopka by 2/3. It is expected that a portion of vodka – is 1 (one!) sip. Therefore, speech does not go about 50 grams, it’s a quarter  of cup. Talk about “pour to the brim,” and “drink to the bottom” thing of the past, it is folklore. Everyone drank as much as wished, but the recommended portion – is one sip. Typically, and is happened by pouring in a bowl right size.

– During the consumption of alcohol is necessary to spend time in the company actively – to dance, walk, sing loudly. It helps to activate the metabolism and excretion of excess alcohol from the body.

– But smoking would be good at this point to cut, but it is likely unattainable – the number of cigarettes smoked, as a rule, increases in direct proportion to the amount of consumed alcohol.


Frequency of pouring and drinking depends on the company, but snacks should not be neglected.

– The most correct are sharp and salty dishes. Alcohol dehydrates the body, as since its use it is output 4 times more liquid from body. Salt contained in snacks, reduces moisture loss. In addition, salty foods go well with the bitter taste of vodka. These snacks are pickled mushrooms and sauerkraut that are consumed with onion and vegetable oil.

– All kinds of salads with fatty dressings suitable for to accompany the vodka.

– Suitable as appetizers smoked products as well as food in jelly and gelatin. You can have a snack of fried meat and fish with vegetables.

– Good to eat after drinking glass of vodka lemon wedge.

This is interesting: snack of Russian Tsar Nicholas I (1825-1855), called in his honor “Nikolaevka”, deserves attention: half a slice of lemon with peel sprinkled with finely milled natural coffee and consume after the first glass as a snack. Acidic foods and caffeine is very good tone and prevent intoxication.

– You can accompany alcohol with drinking soft drinks. Preference is given to natural fruit or berry morses (or juices) sweet-sour taste. Strongly don’t recommended to drink carbonated drinks!

– It is very harmful to the liver and body as a whole mix or change the type of alcohol. Usually this causes a rapid intoxication, and the next morning – a heavy hangover ensured.

– At the end of alcohol intake is recommended to drink freshly brewed tea with lemon. Tea can be anything – black, green, white – but the lemon to put into the cup we have recommend obligatorily. Drink consumed without sugar.

After the feast

To avoid trouble the next morning, before going to bed need to take the necessary measures:

– Again to use activated carbon in the recommended dose, drinking plenty of water (at least one cup);

– On the nightstand beside the bed to put a glass, preferably a decanter, of pure non-carbonated water, it is possible to drop a lemon or other citrus juice – drink need not limit yourself;

– Next to put an aspirin tablet – if there will be a headache, just take the medicine and try to pursue a dream;

– Breakfast in the morning, take a shower, walk – should be physical activity, but reasonable, it helps to eliminate residues of alcohol processing products.

Any communication with friends – a holiday among ordinary labor days. Knowing how to drink vodka, you can enjoy it to the fullest. Then the next meeting expected with joy of anticipation rather than apprehension.

Weekly analytical column of Vadim Drobiz Week May, 16 2016 – May, 22 2016 (12)

Weekly analytical column of Vadim Drobiz

Week May, 16 2016 – May, 22 2016

Vadim Drobiz – Head of the Center for Federal and Regional Alcohol Market Research (CFRAMR)

The most quoted in the Russian media expert on the alcohol market of Russia, former Soviet republics and Eastern Europe. The latest news, detailed analysis, commentary, statistical databases on the alcohol market since 2002.

Full versions of the materials published in Russian on the website Vadim Drobiz http://cifrra.info/

 The situation on the Russian wine market and retail trade

I have already said earlier that since February this year, almost completed import substitution of finished wine production in Russia. Production of own wine in the first quarter (-7.9%) and imports (+ 4.1%). If we take one month of March, imports (+ 21%). In sparkling wines in the first quarter of this year, its own production (-16.7%), but already in March (-4.9%). Import sparkling in the first quarter of this year (+ 1.4%) in March (+ 34%).

It is normal that in the first quarter continued to actively import of imported wine materials (+48%) – in this is the salvation of our market from counterfeit. Planted new vineyards over the years 2013- 2015, will give significant crop only in 2020. They can give a yield increase about (+ 19%) and (+ 19%) of finished wine to the figures of 2015. Not previously and no more.

Recently, the Russian media often commented on the rise in prices of the part of wine production in the first quarter of 2016. From my point of view, this shows excessive dependence of Russian winemaking on imports wine materials and exchange currency rates. In October and November 2015 the dollar was 67-70 rubles, and at that time in the retail price many of companies was laid rate no higher than 65 rubles. The end of December last year – in January 2016 the dollar was about 80 rubles. Since February went falling dollar. It is understood that on the shelves in March wine sold at a high rate of December – January. And just as it is clear that fall in retail prices after the fall of the dollar in March and stabilize it at the level of 66-67 rubles will not be. Wine trading business is forced to lay in the retail price rate of the dollar is not less than 73 rubles to insure the next inevitable recession of ruble. No one wants to transfer the foreign exchange fluctuations in the price jumps, and immediately laid the high dollar rate in retail prices.

Table for the production of wine products in Russia

Production figures(mln dal) 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Still wines 45,07 40,4 36,7 33,91 32,08 39,94
Sparkling wines 22,36 22,02 20,55 17,22 15,55 16,02
Wine beverages 1,75 1,34 2,21 12,27 17,15 23,79
Total: 69,18 63,76 59,46 63,4 64,78 79,75

Non-alcoholic beer: Trends and Prospects

Non-alcoholic beer is becoming more popular among Russians: in the first quarter of 2016 its production increased by 34.5% at once. Among the reasons – improving the taste of the drink and a lot of advertising, according to retailers and manufacturers.

In the first three months of 2016 in Russia was produced 13.3 million liters of non-alcoholic beer, which is 34.5% more than in the same period of 2015. The increase in total beer production in the whole country amounted to 6.4%, to a value of 1.56 billion liters (i.e., non-alcoholic beer had less than 1% of the total beer production in the country).

Three years ago, alcohol-free (or “zero”) beer is not caused much interest among Russian consumers, but the situation is changing: from 2013 to 2015, the non-alcoholic beer production increased by 9.4%, despite the fact that the country’s total production of beer has decreased over same period by 19%. Only 2015 non-alcoholic segment grew by 1.1%, to 72 million liters, despite the fact that beer production in the year as a whole fell by 5.7%, to 7.3 billion liters. According to the research company Nielsen, the share of non-alcoholic beer now accounts for 1.08% of all beer sales in Russia. In 2013, its share was less – 0.73%.

The growth of non-alcoholic beer production and increased assortment in this category are mainly related to the specifics of advertising legislation in Russia. Beer, containing alcohol, are allowed to advertise only during the broadcast of sport events, only at a certain time, in addition, to such advertising is prohibited to use images of people and animals. For the non-alcoholic beer all these restrictions do not apply, so manufacturers often promote it as an umbrella brand for the advertising entire line of its beer. With this advertisement the consumer learns about the existence of non-alcoholic varieties and buying them more often.

Prior to 2016 advertising of non-alcoholic beer on central TV channels appeared only sporadically, and is now present in the ads blocks on a permanent basis. Advertising of non-alcoholic beer on television – a great opportunity for the producer of beer to advertise your entire brand. For the manufacturer of non-alcoholic beer production – to a greater extent this is an opportunity to stimulate interest in the brand as a whole, including alcoholic beer.

As evidenced by the company TNS Global data (monitors more than 550 TV channels in 29 Russian cities, including Moscow), brewing company in 2016 actually returned to the number of advertisers on TV. In the first quarter beer commercials were aired on TV 766 times; their total duration was just over 217 minutes. However, while it is still quite a bit. For comparison: in the first quarter of 2012, when a ban on alcohol advertising of beer has not acted (was introduced on July 1, 2012, and before that the ads may appear on the air after 22 hours), TNS recorded 6077 shows a total duration of 2014 minutes.

Representatives of the brewers companies agree that until the beginning of 2016 wary of television advertising. Possibility of advertising non-alcoholic beer for industry have always been. The only thing that stopped from being able to start using this right in full – the lack of effective tools for the labeling of this product in such a way to avoid any mixing alcohol with non-alcoholic brands.

As a result, the market leaders have agreed to a special icon that emphasizes soft nature of the products, and received a guarantee from the Federal monopoly service supervising compliance with the law “On Advertising”, which claims to such ads will not arise. In the summer of 2014 the company “SUN InBev” (Russian division of the Belgian brewing corporation AB InBev) released promo video of beer “Siberian Crown nonalcoholic”, starring Hollywood star David Duchovny, and in 2016 – in favor of soft beer Hoegaarden ads with Chuck Norris.

The leader of the soft segment of the Russian beer market with a share of 58.8% is “Baltika” (owned by the Danish Carlsberg), promoting the brand “Baltika 0″. In 2013, the company’s share was higher – 79.9%. The development of non-alcoholic drinks portfolio for Carlsberg is one of the strategic goal on the global market.

The press service of the Moscow Brewing Company said that also rely on the non-alcoholic variety. There are non-alcoholic “Trechgornoe”, which is specially produced for sale at the stadiums during football matches. Such a non-alcoholic beer may be sold also on airplanes, trains, etc.

The representative of another brewer Efes Rus said the company believes in the potential of soft segments: Efes had and before quite an extensive range of non-alcoholic beer in the assortment of products, and in 2016 the company launched three new non-alcoholic varieties, including under the Miller brand.

The representative of Heineken (has in the portfolio non-alcoholic version Amstel and Zlatý Bažant) said that the increase in this category of his company has been going on for two years. He believes that the growth in demand for this type of beer production is not so much connected with the appearance of a large number of commercials on television, how much is a global trend, coupled with the popularity of healthy lifestyles.

According to Euromonitor International, if in 2013 the world market of non-alcoholic beer was $ 5 billion, that by 2018 will grow to $ 6.5 billion. The main driver of growth is actively work of breweries in Muslim countries where alcohol consumption is prohibited or not welcome by religious reasons. “For example, in Iran, non-alcoholic beer consumption growth is now such that if tomorrow will come the end of the world”, – quotes the expert of Euromonitor Huffington Post. Among other reasons, the expert called the work of companies to improve the taste of non-alcoholic beer – “in the 1990s, it even does not reminiscent taste of beer.”

Weekly analytical column of Vadim Drobiz Week May 09 2016 – May, 15 2016 (11)

Weekly analytical column of Vadim Drobiz

Week May, 09 2016 – May, 15 2016

Vadim Drobiz – Head of the Center for Federal and Regional Alcohol Market Research (CFRAMR)

The most quoted in the Russian media expert on the alcohol market of Russia, former Soviet republics and Eastern Europe. The latest news, detailed analysis, commentary, statistical databases on the alcohol market since 2002.

Full versions of the materials published in Russian on the website Vadim Drobiz http://cifrra.info/

Email: alko-pr59@yandex.ru

Emirates and alcohol

Elena Rykovtseva – journalist of Radio Liberty

The first time I went to Dubai 18 years ago with my eldest daughter. And at this time I was pregnant with my youngest one, so then for me of alcohol problems did not exist. I just knew that consume it at the moment I cannot. I was then do not matter, have it in this country or not. But on arrival in Dubai then it turned out that the problem is acute care for the local population. Every morning we drove from the hotel to the beach in small car. His driver was never tired of every time to ask us whether we have vodka? We told that there is not brought. But he could not believe in such nonsense. A new morning began with new inquiries: whether we have a bottle of alcohol? We are disappointed the driver, and he once again did not believe us: this cannot be, that we came to this country without big supplies of alcohol.

In my current visit to Dubai it was all different. This time I was not pregnant, so prudently tried to find out in advance, as in this Muslim country affairs with drinking? Friends have told me that the local restaurants do not have a problem with it. When we arrived, we went to explore the restaurants, there are an incredible number of them – for all tastes, cuisines from around the world. Dubai – this is modern Babylon, in which the English language is more common than Arabic. How else to communicate peoples from dozens of countries who working in the emirate? Dubai does not give the impression of orthodox and very religious city. Many women walk around town in shorts and no one is shocking! Everything is like in any European or American bustling resort city.

However, as our survey of the restaurant market it turned out that they do for all tastes, but not in all religions. None of them had alcohol! “You will not find it here.” So we were told in an Indian restaurant, located in the world’s largest Mall of Dubai. I did not believe in it and we went to a nearby Italian restaurant, where behind the bartender we saw bottles of limoncello.

We sat at a table and ordered a pasta and asked for the wine list. And we were told that there is no wines. And it was very sad – to sit in a good Italian restaurant with gorgeous views of the Dubai Fountain, there is the usual Italian food and do not drink Italian usual red wine.

And then for dessert, they brought us limoncello! “A gift from the boss,” – smiled the waitress. I was glad that I can drink as much as two glasses, because my youngest daughter, with whom I went this time in Dubai, does not drink alcohol. However, two glasses, by contrast, got she.  Because the liquor turned soft drink. So, stringy lemon syrup. One mockery.

Then we went to a luxurious new quarter Marina Dubai. This latest collection of skyscrapers over the artificial lake. On the lake slowly sailed boats, strolling along the promenade people, and the whole promenade was full of restaurants “7 km restaurants !!” – It was written on the illuminated signs. We walked along the endless chain of Brazilian, Portuguese, Italian, Mexican and some more restaurants, and the whole chain is something reminiscent to us restaurant’s waterfront in Miami Beach, Florida, but we felt important difference: there was no loud music, laughter and loud conversations. Here people sat at tables, drinking glasses of water, talking quietly, and in general they were few! And the food on their tables was not enough, because  plain water does not cause of appetite. And I again, as in the Dubai Mall, asked for waitress: “And whether there is at least one restaurant with alcohol?” And received the answer: “There is no, but in the blue skyscraper – there is a little shop with any alcohol and there may be sold it to you.”

But we did not have the power to go into the shop. We sat down and had dinner at this quiet waterfront as everybody. I ate and thought how strange: Dubai – designed for tourists. It attracts them with all their windows. It’s all oriented for trade. And the ban on any alcohol, local authorities are not only deprived of income from the sale of it, they are the rest of the trade do worse. Tourists eat less in their countless restaurants and less buying in their unending malls, because alcohol – it’s not only enhances the appetite, it is very stimulating consumer hype. I feel it is good in myself: after a glass of alcohol I was very drawn to the purchase. I do not rule out that for many other people alcohol increases the buying activity. So the one who does not give people drinking hinders trade.

In this sense, it is interesting as in the Emirates sell pork. The supermarkets have a small department for non-Muslims, where sell this kind of meat. Nothing like this on alcohol. It is not sold in supermarkets. I have a version of why this is so. I think, because Muslims will not eat pork under any conditions, and it can to sell. But alcohol – this is a big temptation. And consume alcohol locals want. They are ready to sin on your own risk. And in order not to enter into temptation of its citizens, which will be difficult to sustain, the store did not sell alcohol.

We moved from Dubai to Abu Dhabi. There’s alcohol can be found in stores and restaurants, but:

… these restaurants only at expensive hotels.

… just a couple of these stores, and their windows are tightly closed and that the store sells alcohol, you can guess, but once inside it.

… in order to buy alcohol, you first need to buy a license to purchase it.

… such a license sell only to visitors employees (non-Muslims), but not for tourists. To do this on the website need to download the number of work visa and a certificate of salary! You cannot spend on alcohol more than 10 per cent of yours wages. The license costs about 150 dollars. It is expensive!

So what to do? A friend of mine told me: “You go to the store and you will be ask a license, and you say that you forgot it at home, but most likely you do not even ask. But some builders from Bangladesh are likely to be asked. It is at the discretion of the store or restaurant employees. Because if you order alcohol in a restaurant, you must also show the license. But if they see that you’re an obvious tourist – the license is not likely to be asked. ”

– But they have to ask?

– They ask a must. But do not ask.

Alcohol, even if you have a license or shop (restaurant) sold alcohol to you without it, will cost you dearly. Prices in a store about 30% higher than, for example, in Europe. A bottle of ordinary Chilean wine, which in Europe costs $10, in the Emirates will be $15. But in hotels $15 worth just one glass of wine. Bottle of real limoncello – it’s $200.

At the same time in a German restaurant at a local hotel you can easily see how there sat a man in traditional Muslim clothes and drink beer. And no one forbid! As I was told, in the Emirates all ready to close their eyes while the visitor does not violate the accepted rules of behavior.

It seems to me that prohibit (or limit) the consumption of alcohol for those who do not consider its consumption as sin, it is too big a concession the economy in favor of religion in the country turned increasingly to tourism than to religious fanaticism.

And if we really talk about practical things – it is not necessary to wait for the mercy from local regulations. The United Arab Emirates are allowed to import four liters of alcohol per person. On a very short break should be enough!

Alcohol and age …

I would like to bring the following table, which shows the structure of the consumption of alcoholic beverages in Russia today, depending on the age drinkers.

Age of the consumer vodka beer wine port wine moonshine
- to 25 years old 25% 80% 28% 7% 7%
- to 26- 39 years old 50% 70% 26% 9% 7%
- to 40- 55 years old 59% 53% 23% 9% 9%
- over 55 years old 58% 35% 21% 12% 13%

(Respondents were allowed to name a few types of alcoholic beverages.)

Vodka consumption grows with age. But with beer trend reverse. Most of all wine consumed young people up to 25 years. Then consumption is declining.

Today the population of Russia at the age of 18 to 25 years in 2 times less than in the beginning of the century. Potential consumers of wine was less demographically. This factor has started to work on the wine market in 2012- 2013.

The following table shows the legal sale of wine in Russia in million dal given by years:

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
62,2 62,0 61,8 60,2 57,8 57,8


The last two years (2014/15) wine consumption in the country is almost stable. But if consumers demographically becomes smaller, it means that the wine consumption per capita has increased somewhat.


Nielsen Company as a result of the poll found that 41% of Russians are choosing global brands of alcohol, 27% – local, to 31%, this factor does not play a significant role.


One man may be duty-free import into the country at a time not more than 5 liters of alcohol.

In March this year vodka output in Belarus decreased to 937 thousand dal, compared to 949 thousand dal in February. In January-March 2016 production of vodka amounted to 2549 thousand dal. In the first quarter of 2015 it was produced 2.579 million decaliters. Thus, the first quarter of 2016 +1.2%. Growth it not call, but some stabilization of recession in the alcohol market of the country observed.


The most popular alcoholic beverage among Russians in the first quarter of 2016 was the vodka, it would prefer 40% of buyers. In second place – the beer (38%), the third – wine (10%) These data are contained in the latest report on the socio-economic situation in Russia, posted on the official website of the Federal State Statistics Service.


Number of Finns traveling to neighboring Estonia only for alcohol greatly reduced: if a year ago, in February and March 81% of Finnish tourists in Estonia mandatory bought an alcohol, but this year the figure was 69% in the same period. The share of tourists, who buy large amounts of alcohol (more than 500 liters per person), reduced by one third over the year.

I want to remind that the tourists from Finland were taken in 2014 and 2015 at 35% of the volume of alcohol retail sales in Estonia.

Czech Republic

The Czechs are moving away from the tradition of drinking beer in bars and restaurants. On this, as reported by Radio Prague, the statistics show. The biggest amount of beer sold in glass containers – 41%. On draft beer now accounts for 37% of consumption. 12% of Czech consumers buy beer in plastic containers. 7% like canned beer. 60% of respondents said that they prefer to consume a traditional Czech low-alcohol drink out of bars and restaurants.

Weekly analytical column of Vadim Drobiz Week May 02 2016 – May, 08 2016 (10)

Weekly analytical column of Vadim Drobiz

Week May, 02 2016 – May, 08 2016

Vadim Drobiz – Head of the Center for Federal and Regional Alcohol Market Research (CFRAMR)

The most quoted in the Russian media expert on the alcohol market of Russia, former Soviet republics and Eastern Europe. The latest news, detailed analysis, commentary, statistical databases on the alcohol market since 2002.

Full versions of the materials published in Russian on the website Vadim Drobiz http://cifrra.info/

Email: alko-pr59@yandex.ru

Recent data on the status of the Russian alcohol market in early 2016 and for the entire 2015


During the year, the share of vodka in the alcohol market of Russia has decreased from 41% to 40.6%, based on pure alcohol. This was reported by Rosstat (Russian Statistics Agency), comparing data on sales of alcohol in the 1st quarter of 2016 with information on the same period last year. The reason for reducing the share of vodka was the fall of its sales, recorded statistics. So, for the period from January to March this year, it has fallen by 4%.

Besides vodka sales for the year fell in the segment of sparkling wines (by 5.7%), as well as in the segment of brandy, and brandy products (by 4.6%).

At the same time, the increased popularity of  still wines, as well as apple and pear cider, mead (an alcoholic drink based on honey) and similar beverages. In the first quarter of 2016 the share of these drinks has risen by 50.9%, as a whole amounted to 0.1% of the Russian alcohol market. (The increase is significant, but from a very low initial base).

The share of still wines has increased over the year from 9.9% to 10.5% (sales, respectively, increased by 0.6%).

As a result, according to the first quarter of this year, the country’s alcohol market is unable to demonstrate positive dynamics. According to Rosstat, in the first quarter of 2016 the sale of all alcoholic beverages decreased by 3% in terms of absolute alcohol.


Enterprises of the Russian Federation in the first quarter of 2016 compared to the same period last year reduced the production of vodka and sparkling wines, but increased the release of cognac (brandy) and beer, from the data of Rosstat. In March 2016, based on year vodka production, it grew by 5.5% – to 4.5 million decaliters, while compared to February 2016 – increased by 41.8%. The production of vodka in the first quarter of this year decreased by 8.3% compared to the same period last year.

Release of sparkling wines and champagne declined in March by 4.9% compared with March 2015 – to 887 thousand decalitres, as compared to February of this year increased by 19.2%. In general, in the first quarter drop in production amounted to 16.7% on an annualized basis.

Release of cognac in March on an annualized basis increased by 7.7% – to 578 thousand decalitres, as compared to March of last year + 38.6%.

Beer production in March on an annualized basis increased by 11.2% – to 72.5 million decaliters, compared with February + 34.2%, while in the first quarter + 5.5%.


Export of Russian vodka in February increased to 117 thousand dal, against 107.2 thousand in January. This was reported by the Federal Customs Service. In January-February of vodka exports totaled 224.3 thousand dal. (This is in terms of pure alcohol). Of these, 72.2 thousand decalitres were exported to the CIS countries and 152 thousand to foreign countries. In December last year, Russia exported 267.1 thousand dal of vodka.

According to the Union of Winegrowers and Winemakers of Russia in growing grapes in the country it is engaged in around 280 specialized farms, of which 61 have the capacity for the primary processing of grapes. Total not less than 86 thousand people are employed in industry. According to forecasts of the Union this year, domestic manufacturers will provide up to 80% (750-800 million liters) of the domestic market in a quiet and sparkling wines. Although only half of the wines will be made from grapes of the Russian. It will save the lovers of these drinks money, because domestic wines rise in price at a slower pace than imported products tied to the rate of dollar and euro to ruble.

The new name – drop in sales?

Example of how to change the name of the alcohol product can affect the level of sales. In connection with the plans of accession of Moldova in the EU there was a need to change the familiar names of Moldovan alcohol products, as required by EU rules. This list includes wine Cagor (Kagor), which has received a new name Pastoral.

Head of Sales and Marketing of Moldovan company Alianta-vin, Wanda Festishina, explains that “… in 2018 the sale of wine Cagor this company are subject to risk, because at that time forbidden to use the word Cagor (Kagor). The company has developed a strategy that would allow gradually accustom consumers to the new name. Currently, on the labels used the two words at the same time: “Cagor (Kagor)” and “Pastoral”. Gradually increase the height of the letters the word “Pastoral”. It began to use one kind of font for both titles. Over time, the frequency of use of the word “Cagor” in the title will be reduced gradually to disappear completely. But we feel that as soon as something is changing – sales are down. We understand that this is inevitable, but necessary step…”

With a similar problem will sooner or later encounter many manufacturers of alcohol in the post-Soviet space, which is massively used names such as Champagne, cognac, sherry, port, madeira, etc.

Krušovice will sponsor the World Hockey Championship in Russia

In Russia, from 6 to 22 May 2016 in Moscow and St. Petersburg will host the next World Hockey Championship. One of the official sponsors of the tournament will be the Krušovice beer (HEINEKEN group). The brand has also been an official partner of this tournament last year, and before the World Cup in the Russian sides extended the agreement until 2019, inclusive.

The status of official sponsor in the “beer” category allows Krušovice place their ads on the sides of the hockey arenas, which will host 64 matches. Krušovice logo will display on all press conferences and screened during the official program. In addition, Krušovice will be the official sponsor of the World Cup matches broadcast on the First Channel of Russian television.

The tournament should be a real media event in Russia, considers the director of marketing for HEINEKEN Russia Jonny Cahill. Broadcast of the last World Cup – 2015 in the Czech Republic have been very popular in Russia: total views exceeded 300 million, and a home tournament will break all records on the size of the audience, he said.

According to Cahill, sponsorship Home World Hockey Championship – a great opportunity to support the brand, which has become one of the fastest growing in the Russian market. Now Russia – the largest market for Krušovice. “Hockey for Russia historically – sport №1. Despite the fact that the attendance and the audience it concedes to soccer, it is in hockey it was won the greatest victory of Russian sport. We are proud that the Royal Krušovice beer has been able to maintain a royal tournament, “- said John Cahill.

Czech hops sold until 2020

Сrops of Czech producers of hops sold for several years, and most of it is exported – mostly to Asia, Africa and South America. Knowing the current area under crops and the average volume of harvest, experts suggest that the entire Czech hops are already sold out till the years 2019-2020. So hop growers will expand crops, because the raw material needed and the Czech breweries. This summer, it is planned to lay 350 hectares of new areas, and a whole planting area reached 4800 hectares. Varieties planted mostly Žatecký Poloraný Červeňák, Sládek, Saaz Late, Kazbek, Agnus and Premiant.

Overall abroad are exported 80% of the Czech hops. Most of all purchases Japan, where many brewed lagers Pilsner type. In addition, the biggest customers are China, Germany, Russia, Italy, Belgium, United Kingdom, Vietnam, the United States and South Africa. In Africa, the Czech hops also buy Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Uganda, Swaziland and Botswana. In South America – Peru, Colombia and Brazil.

Among Czech companies buy most Pilsen Gambrinus.

Recently, consumers prefer a strong beer, and therefore need more hops.

The harvest in 2015 due to the intense heat was unsuccessful – only 4843 tons of raw materials. In addition, the weather affected the quality of the crop. Unfortunately, in the Czech Republic only a quarter of the fields for the cultivation of hops installed irrigation system.

Poisoned, poisoning and will be poisoned?..

How much is said and written in Russian about the poisoning of surrogate alcohol? However, our consumer does not scare any mass poisoning. But whereas this was only marginalized part of population, but now poisoned counterfeit drinks are not afraid and more affluent segments of the population. Every year, Russia’s population drinks more than a dozen million of such bottles surrogate whiskey, rum, gin, tequila, French cognac and etc. Over the last 5-6 years, in Russia has formed a large and stable market production (often in his own garage), sales (mainly in illegal retail) and consumption (normal citizens of the middle and lower-middle income) surrogate Western and Russian premium alcohol. A poisoning while isolated. Even if such products poisoned to death by 5 years of 20-30 people, then we drank during that time at least 50 million bottles a surrogate.

Try to convince the person in danger of the surrogate product, minimally familiar with the basics of mathematics. He will say that the probability of poisoning is negligible and it is certainly not going to happen with him. That’s from such “education” we suffer!

Ban plastic beer packaging – for whose benefit?

Finally, it became clear to whom in reality working those people and organizations in Russia that urge to abandon the plastic packaging in the beer industry. I called even 5 years ago, the most concerned – are producers of glass and metal packaging. At the same time I had not heard about the glass oligarchs in the country. But the oligarchs for the production of aluminum are known to all! One of the largest of them, Oleg Deripaska, offered at a government meeting Prime Minister of the country, Dmitry Medvedev, have the courage to remove the plastic packaging from the beer industry for the support of strategic sectors of the country – aluminum and glass manufacturers. However, even Rospotrebnadzor (Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection) is unable to obtain the appropriate expert opinion about the dangers of plastic packaging.

The Union of Russian Brewers appealed to Deripaska a return letter, which stated that its proposal would destroy the beer industry. I think it will not destroy industry, and not too affects the consumption of beer in the country. Demand for beer for this reason if dropped, is not more than 5%. At present, in Russian in aluminum packaging is done in no more than 20% of the beer – it gave 140 million dal a year.

From polyethylene prohibition metal packaging market will receive an additional about 10% of the beer market in the country – it is about 70 million dal. This increased production of aluminum cans is 1.5 times. This is serious business, for which real capitalist will sell his own mother! (Russian proverb.)

So beer or wine?

For all the novelty and appeal of crafting beer the Russian state and society will have to decide – that today is more necessary in the youth sector of consumption: craft beer or wine?

I personally think that crafting beer takes no more than 10% of the beer market in Russia, and not earlier than in 10 years. That’s about 75 million dal of products which will drink mainly young people under 30 years old. I have no doubt that the brewers will find money on advertising of crafting beer, especially if to that will join Western beer monsters. And the Russian winemakers money on advertising, comparable to beer, was not, don’t and never will be! And we in the coming 10 years will lose another generation of young people. It will also be a beer-generation – and them so in 2 times less in number due to the Russian demographic specifics!

At the same time, once again, I want to emphasize that I do not consider myself an enemy of beer – I’m all for it as a consumer. But for this is such a thing as alcohol policy – reasonable, with specific goals and realistic objectives. And many Russian officials have turned this in anti-alcohol policy. And in the anti-alcohol policy it is prohibited to use brains!!

Sparkling wines and champagne are in Russia more and more unaffordable product, so the Russians are switching to cheaper drinks.

Last year, Russians consumed 230 million of champagne and sparkling wine, which is 15 million liters less than in 2014. Of this amount, the share of Russian products 165 million liters (or 72%). These missing liters Russian consumers replaced with wine fizzy drinks in which no added alcohol. Due to this, they are 30% -40% cheaper than the usual sparkling wines. I believe that in 2016 a further fall of consumption of sparkling wines in Russia will not be.

The price of the bottle of wine: what happened with it in Russia?

I set a goal to compare the average factory selling price per conditional bottle of wine (0.75 l) during the period 2012 – 2015 years, and the 1st quarter of 2016, taken from the report of the Russian statistical agency. The results are tabulated.

Products in rubles 2012 2013 2014 2015 First quarter2016 2016 to2015 2016 to2012
Average conditionalprice of 1 bottle of still wine 45,0 50,0 55,0 72,0 85,0 +18% +89%
Average conditionalprice of 1 bottle of sparkling wine 94,0 102,0 110,0 120,5 138,0 +14,5% +47%

For still wines: the growth of the average bottle price of 1Q 2016 to the average price 2015 – (+ 18%), and to 2012 – (+89%). For sparkling wines price rose (+ 14.5%) compared to 2015 and (+ 47%) to 2012.

In fact, wine production in Russia has risen dramatically in just a few years. The increase in the excise duty rate was low during this period. But have become more expensive all other components of the price.

(Price changes over the same period in the US dollar or the euro is much more difficult to trace, because at different times was a different exchange rate of these currencies to the Russian ruble.)

Weekly analytical column of Vadim Drobiz Week April, 25 2016 – May, 01 2016 (9)

Weekly analytical column of Vadim Drobiz

Week April, 25 2016 – May, 01 2016

Vadim Drobiz – Head of the Center for Federal and Regional Alcohol Market Research (CFRAMR)

The most quoted in the Russian media expert on the alcohol market of Russia, former Soviet republics and Eastern Europe. The latest news, detailed analysis, commentary, statistical databases on the alcohol market since 2002.

Full versions of the materials published in Russian on the website Vadim Drobiz http://cifrra.info/

Email: alko-pr59@yandex.ru

Wine wars or how much need to Russia bulk wine?

Recently, a hundred and fifty French farmers blocked the road, stopped a convoy of huge five tanker trucks with Spanish wine. Threatening violence to drivers, they poured more than 30 thousand liters of the product on the ground. In two cars entirely no remained wine and three other vehicles allowed the attackers to leave half empty, writing on the sides of the tanks warning that wine was substandard. It happened in the area of Languedoc-Roussillon, 10 km from the border with Spain.

French winemakers thus protesting against the rapidly increasing imports of cheap wine in their country. They are outraged that the draft table wine from Spain is sold for 30-40 euros per hectoliter (100 liters), while similar French wine is worth twice the price – 70-80 euros. Spain called on the French authorities to find a way to make their farmers to stop such actions, and ensure the smooth and safe movement of goods between EU member states. French winemakers suspect that the relative cheapness of Spanish wines occurs because during they manufacture used the South American bulk wine. (In Russia such bulk wine belongs to the category of wine materials.) The French blamed the Spaniards that they are mixed bulk cheap wine from South America with their wines and sold under the more expensive brands.

In recent years, France increased imports of wine from Italy and Spain, rather than to develop its own production. Thanks to low taxes and the absence of customs barriers within the EU Spanish and Italian wine producers displace competitors from the French market.

In France itself, the area wineries, purchased by foreign investors, mostly British and Chinese, reached 12 thousand hectares, accounting for nearly 2 percent of the total vineyards area. These figures only cover the wineries, which produced red wine, and did not take into account the production of cognac and champagne. 30 years ago, French wines in restaurants all over the world held about 80% of the wine list, they now account for about 40%. And this is one of the reasons for the disturbance of French winemakers.

Spain is in the lead on deliveries of wine, not only in France but also in Russia, where about a third of the total volume of wine produced from imported bulk, another third – of Russian grapes, the rest – from wine material unaccounted by statistics. But according to some expert estimates, the share wine from foreign bulk is about 70% of the Russian wine market. Official statistics in Russia winemaking gives the figures of total production, with no separation of the wine produced from grapes of the Russian or imported wine.

Foreign wines shipped in large containers (tanks or tankers) from abroad in bulk, get to Russian manufacturers, which are then manipulated with them: can add (or not add) different flavors, juices, sugar, alcohol, dyes, flavor enhancers, preservatives, etc., which allowed the Russian legislation. Then the wine is bottled or in bags, glue labels. At the same time on ones, especially for sweet and semi-sweet wines, it is written “Made in Russia”, on other may be specified producing countries of bulk wine.

According recently published of OIV data Russia in volume of imported wine is in seventh place (fell from the fifth).

The volume of wine by countries:

Country The volume units,billion liters In money terms,€ billion
2014 2015 2014 2015
Germany 1,54 1,51 2,56 2,47
United Kingdom 1,36 1,36 3,6 3,92
USA 1,07 1,1 4,04 4,86
France 0,69 0,78 0,62 0,67
China 0,39 0,56 1,15 1,84
Canada 0,38 0,41 1,47 1,62
Russia 0,47 0,4 0,87 0,63
Netherlands 0,38 0,35 0,95 0,87
Belgium 0,31 0,32 1 0,93
Japan 0,27 0,28 1,21 1,32

Wine imports to Russia by the end of 2015 decreased by 14.5% in volume terms to 400 million liters, and – 27.7% – in terms of money, up to €625 million. “The reason for decline was the sanctions and the related economic crisis in the country”, – stated in the report of the OIV. These are the official figures, excluding smuggling and “gray” imports.

Last summer, Minister of Agriculture of Russia Alexander Tkachev proposed a ban on the importation of foreign wine or significantly increase on them duties, to make imports of wine in Russia unprofitable. He also said that “Our factories are in fact only shops for bottling wine. If today a farmer or a large cooperative begins to build a new winery, it will be repaid no earlier than in 15 years. In such circumstances, it is easier to bring the tank or a ship from South Africa or any other country, delivering just 100 or even 1,000 tons of raw wine, and bottling and selling it under the Russian brand. This option the use of someone else’s wine is easier. It is unacceptable!”

Some Russian winemakers supported Minister of Agriculture. In particular, the Crimean wine producers. And who wants to have a competition? Monopolist always be easier! Besides Mr. Tkachev before being appointed to the post of Minister of agriculture was the governor of Krasnodar region – a region which produces most of Russian wine, and he has there for certain commercial interests.

But the majority of Russian winemakers have opposed the ban on the import of wine materials. So, the president of the Union of Winegrowers and Winemakers of Russia, Leonid Popovich, said that at present the Ministry of Agriculture proposed a ban on the importation of foreign wine can not be implemented as soon be lost third of the total wine production in the country (according to other estimates, much more). Detailed analysis of the problems of the Russian winemaking shows that a total ban on imports of the bulk is not beneficial to anyone – neither the producers nor the consumers nor the state.

Thus, the area of cultivated vineyards in Russia are today about 100 000 ha, which is almost an order of magnitude less than in Europe or the US. Expansion of areas, if there is money (!), will take years because from the planting of young vines and to produce a first enough quality wine is need for at least five to seven years. In addition, if to prohibit the foreign bulk, just created a deficit of wine, prices will rise and the people will switch to a liquor, which will hit the health of the population.

And if you go back to the title of this article, Russia also participated in the “Wine Wars” but not about the price. 10 years ago, the chief sanitary doctor of Russia, Gennady Onishchenko, has banned the import of Georgian and Moldovan wines, which allegedly hade pesticides (?) (Most experts believe that the motive for such bans were political factors.) As a result, the quality of now supplied wine from Georgia and Moldova improved markedly, which can not be said about their prices.

From my point of view, the growth in production volumes of Russian wine will begin no earlier than in 5-10 years. I can confidently say that most of the wine, which buys in the shop Russian consumers, will be from imported bulk. I believe that this is not a bad option. The more Russia will import wine materials in the coming years, the smaller among the Russian wine will be counterfeit.

I want to give the following statistics: last year Russia produced 400 million liters of still wine; Champagne and sparkling wines – 161 million liters; wine drinks – at least 200 million liters. Total about 760 million liters. At the same time the Russian wine materials for this products have produced about 310 million liters, of which about 65 million liters sent to the production of brandy spirits. Officially, 204 million liters of wine materials purchased abroad. The result is that of the 760 million liters of wine production excluding cognac and brandy, only about 250 million (310-65=245) made on the Russian wine materials.

Am getting up: produced in Russia in 2015 year 760 million liters of wine production from about 450 million liters of wine materials (total Russian and foreign). What is it like? And where have the remaining 310 million liters? And this is a small (or maybe big?) tricks of Russian statistics! Or is it the number of smuggled wine material?

Its own wine material to take nowhere, either now or in the near future – it is necessary to wait for many years. While there is only one way – increasing purchases of imported raw wine materials under the appeals of head of the Ministry of Agriculture to close the supply of imported raw wine!

My conclusion – this is an extremely dangerous political slogan! I thus constantly repeat – it is necessary to plant, planting and again to plant new vineyards every year to the maximum. According to my forecast within the next 5 years growth of the Russian wine materials will be a maximum of 10-15 per cent. Last year new vineyards planted in the country is small, this year the situation is very similar, so the scale of the quantitative growth of the Russian wine from domestic wine material is expected not earlier than in 10 or even 15 years.

Some more statistics:

– in 2014 Russia imported 232.4 million liters of still wine + 47.2 million liters of sparkling + 168.5 million liters of wine materials. Total imports 448,1 million liters;

– in 2015 Russia imported 162.0 million liters of still wine + 33.3 million liters of sparkling wine + 203.5 million liters of wine materials. Total = 399.0 million liters;

– total difference of 49.1 million liters or 11% of imports fell. But it is not so! I want to recall that in 2015 in Russia began to arrive wine from the Crimea which became part of Russia. 2014 was in the Crimea very difficult but the grape harvest collected and in the same year made no less than 40-50 million liters of wine material, which was used in 2015. That’s the missing imports. And although the Russian annexation of the Crimea the Western countries did not recognize, but Crimean wine material go to Russia and Russian statistics is taken it into account!

This article contains material from the site


Armenian cognac is losing ground in Russia

The devaluation of the Russian ruble and reduced incomes of Russians to cause serious damage to many producers in the former Soviet Union, which has long been focused on the Russian market. One of the most affected products is Armenian cognac: in last year its exports to Russia fell to 39.6%. The situation is exacerbated by the fact that the Armenian cognac producers have not yet found an adequate substitute for the Russian market and in the near future most likely will not.

In 2014, Armenia released 18.725 million liters of brandy, or 8.1% less than a year earlier, while exports declined from 18.3 to 18.1 million liters. Last year, the decline in production continued: in the country issued a total 16.948 million liters of cognac (decline by 9.4%). The main reason for this situation – the economic crisis in Russia, which accounts for about 75% of export of Armenian cognac. It is an expensive product. On the store shelf the price difference between the Armenian and French cognac is not too much for the majority of the Russian population, so it is not surprising that in a situation of falling consumer demand in the country its sales are down.

A similar situation exists in other segments of the Armenian alcohol. According to the Customs Service of the country, Armenian wine exports fell by 31.5% in 2015, from 2.12 to 1.45 million liters, and the cost – from 6.3 to 4.1 million dollars. As in the case of brandy, the main volume of export of Armenian wines (79%) are in Russia.

Significantly (by 19.3%) decreased Armenian export of beer, which at the current rate of the ruble forced to compete on the shelf not with Russian but European brands of beer (0.5 liter bottle of beer well-known Armenian “Cilicia” in the Russian retail market is now worth about 110 rubles – $1.64). Accordingly, the beer production in Armenia decreased by 12.8% last year.

In general, the alcohol industry of Armenia is almost entirely export-oriented. Drink all your own alcohol Armenians can not in principle – a very small domestic market (in the Armenian population of only 3 million people) and the purchasing power of the population is very low.

Among the representatives of Armenian business, which are engaged in exports, it is now more insistently promoted the idea of the need to find new markets for their products. However cognac producers to take advantage of this recipe will be difficult, given the long-standing problem with the use of the name “Armenian cognac” outside the CIS market. And this despite the fact that the legendary Yerevan Brandy Factory, which produces the brand “Ararat”, owned by the French corporation Pernod Ricard. The problem of the use of the name “cognac” – one of the most painful topics in the negotiations with the European Union. In this regard, the EU has a tough position. Supporters of the EU concessions on this issue in Armenia is. They believe that the refusal of the name “cognac” is inevitable, but it is necessary to find an adequate replacement for it. However, the fact that the Armenian cult drink can win the hearts of lovers of distillate outside the CIS, there are big doubts.

Export market of Armenian brandy is almost monopolized by Russia. However, the Armenian manufacturers in recent years have made a significant step to diversify its exports and the Armenian cognac was able to gain a foothold in other markets, but mostly CIS countries. 95% of Armenian brandy exports account for only four countries – Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Belarus. But in all these countries the economic crisis. On the world market, outside the CIS, cognac can only be French, and even if Armenian cognac to sell under the name “Armenian brandy”, I believe that it still will not buy. Due to the crisis the current situation will last for a long time. The only way for Armenian producers – severely reduce production, as is already done Moldovans, and wait until the crisis is over in the CIS countries. Perhaps it will take twenty years!

Experience of Ukrainian, Georgian and Moldovan food and drink producers indicated that to gain a foothold in the European market is rather difficult for the post-Soviet companies. Their brands are unfamiliar in Europe, and the market is very saturated. Even the Association Agreement between Armenia and the EU does not guarantee new markets.

Errors of Western beer companies in the Russian market …

Major Western beer companies, initially began working in the Russian market, miscalculated their growth in the years 2000- 2007. Subsequent developments showed that it was necessary to slowly increase their production. It is well known the market principle: the rapid growth is inevitably followed by the fall, and sometimes rapid. You just need to predict it in advance. I think that in any country of the world is difficult to find a similar example where beer production and consumption has grown for 12 years, as in Russia, 5.5 times! And at the same time, this growth did not start from scratch. How is this possible in a country with a stable number of potential drinkers by age?

Western brewers by their advertising managed in Russia be ahead of time! Such growth may be possible, for example, at least 30 years … Suppose that in the best form – for 25 years. There must be a change of at least one generation of people! From 1995 to 1999 there was a doubling of the production of beer in Russia and came to 31 liters of beer per capita per year consumption. And then it was necessary caution and correct calculation of future actions. But the thirst for big profits hampered show common sense. Would grow by 10% a year – and all would be well. But their continued to produce more and more beer. In 2005, there was a doubling of the following index of 1999. And then all the exact same picture: in 2006 (+ 15.6%), and in 2007 another +135 million dal.

Western beer companies since 1999 should be quietly growing by 4%-5% per year. This is the normal growth rate for any civilized system. And then would come out in 2013-2014 on the output of 830-840 million decaliters. These beer volumes are about today. And here also the demographic crisis in the country.

What it was sold in Russia in the years beyond the 4%-5% growth – this was a bonus, an extra profit of western beer giants. They have earned big money. But time caught up them.

Today, beer consumption decline is observed throughout the civilized world. And there is also to a large extent reason – the demographic character.

Volumes of beer consumption in Russia in different years in million decaliters:

Year                       Beer consumption

in million decaliters

1984 350
1993 238
1995 213
1996 208
1997 252
1998 336
1999 445
2000 540
2001 638
2002 703
2003 730
2004 850
2005 895
2006 1035
2007 1160
2008 1140
2009 1035
2010 1015
2011 981
2012 955


But what about the export of Georgian wine to the Russian market: The attached table are taken to compare the volume of Georgian wine export to Russia in the first quarters 2014, 2015 and 2016. Given also the share of Georgian wine in total volume of imported wines in Russia.

Exports to Russia in the 1st quarter of 2014, in liters 7 397 930
The share in total Russian wine import in the 1st quarter 2014 in % 14.08
Exports to Russia in the 1st quarter of 2015, in liters 1 807 362
The share in total Russian wine import in the 1st quarter 2015 in % 6.54
Exports to Russia in the 1st quarter of 2016, in liters 3 066 982
The share in total Russian wine import in the 1st quarter 2016 in % 10.62
The share of the entire Russian wine market in the 1st quarter of 2016, in% 2.98

As the table shows the volume of export of Georgian wines in the 1st quarter of 2016  + 70% to the results in 2015, but almost 2.5 times lower than in 2014.

Moldovan “divin”

According to the agreement signed between Moldova and the EU, by 2016 the country should cease to mark their alcoholic beverages as “cognac” and go to another alternative name – “divin”. Thus “divin” is Moldovan grape brandy, prepared according to the classic French “cognac” technology. The following table shows the production “divin” over the past 16 years, in millions of decalitres (dal).

Year Volume of production,in million decaliters
2005 4.781
2006 2.245
2007 2.022
2008 2.815
2009 1.785
2010 1.766
2011 2.395
2012 3.064
2013 3.451
2014 2.762
2015 2.176


Whiskey production – a primitive process, but all sorts of myths and legends around it. It’s no more complicated than the production of cognac. Currently, 50 countries produce whiskey – the most famous, of course, Scottish, American, there is a certain fame in Japanese. 30 years ago, no one knew that in Japan there are whiskey and that it can ever be popular even in Japan. Today, this whiskey win at many competitions, even a Scottish single malt whiskey.

A little official statistics…

Imports of whiskey in Russia and sales through retail, million decaliters (dal) by year:

Year The volume of imports,in million decaliters Sales in the retail,in million decaliters
2000 0.042
2004 0.164
2005 0.381
2006 0.663
2007 1.39
2008 1.58
2009 1.42
2010 1.92 4.20
2011 3.33 3.94
2012 4.22 4.98
2013 4.11 5.37
2014 4.13 6.27
2015 3.36 5.69

I can not reasonably explain why the amounts of whiskey sales in retail so much greater than the volume of its imports, especially in 2010, 2013-2015. This is a question to Rosstat!

The situation in the alcohol market in Russia in January-February 2016 compared with January-February 2015:

The name ofthe drink ProductionJanuary-February2016 to

January-February 2015

ImportJanuary-February2016 to



Retail salesJanuary-February2016 to



Vodka -17.2% -66% -3.1%
Cognac -4.4% -29% -
Cognac+ brandy -0.5% -29% -4%
Whiskey -29% -
Rum -13% -
Tequila -39% -
Gin -5% -
Absinthe -86% -
Still wines -12% -6% +0.1%
Champagne and sparkling -23.4% -12% -2.3%
Wine materials +200% -
Wine beverages +51% -17% +6%
Vermouth -17% -
Beer +1.7% +7% -2.65%

)Weekly analytical column of Vadim Drobiz Week April, 18 2016 – April, 24 2016 (8)

Weekly analytical column of Vadim Drobiz

Week April, 18 2016 – April, 24 2016

Vadim Drobiz – Head of the Center for Federal and Regional Alcohol Market Research (CFRAMR)

The most quoted in the Russian media expert on the alcohol market of Russia, former Soviet republics and Eastern Europe. The latest news, detailed analysis, commentary, statistical databases on the alcohol market since 2002.

Full versions of the materials published in Russian on the website Vadim Drobiz http://cifrra.info/

Email: alko-pr59@yandex.ru

Russian alcohol market on the results of the 1st quarter of 2016

In my opinion, all processes of import substitution in the sector of spirits and wine products on the Russian market ended at the end of 2015. All that could did  – have already substituted – so we see a drop of wine production in Russia in Q1 2016: wine – (-8%), sparkling wine – (-17%). Only brandy remained at  level of 2015 year. And even the Crimea in large quantities supplying products to Russia from imported raw wine materials. Serious wine consumption growth in the country should not wait: the economic crisis, the sheer demographic crisis on the wine market, the impact on youth craft beer industry.

In Russia continues to drop in sales of imported spirits (whiskey, rum, gin, tequila, etc.). Last year, on average, this group fell by (-30%), in the 1st quarter of this year the total fall in the group of alcohol even 20%. Well, maybe not this category fall by 50% for 2 years! It’s too much even with the onset on the premium market of imported alcohol Russian surrogate alcohol products.

In the 1st quarter of 2016 fell imports to the Russia of vermouth (-25%), cognac (-30%). On the other hand, went up quiet wine import growth (+ 4%) and sparkling (+ 2%) after a sharp drop in 2015. Rather, it affects on the situation of uncertainty importers – whether to import a lot, if still not very clear how it will work retail since July 1, with the conduct of EGAIS system.

 Results of the largest manufacturer of alcoholic beverages in Latvia Latvijas Balzams in 2015

The turnover of the company Latvijas Balzams in 2015 amounted to 73.791 million euro – 1% more than in 2014. Profit decreased by 11.3% – up to 7.065 million euros. This is evidenced by the financial report submitted by the exchange Nasdaq Riga.

The increase in turnover of Latvijas Balzams last year contributed mainly to the increase of 4.85% of orders from Stoli Group. While sales of enterprise products in Russia and Ukraine last year fell significantly. Profit fell under the influence of the sales drop on the most profitable for the company markets and investments in advertising of brand Latvijas Balzams.

In 2016, the chances of profit growth in Latvijas Balzams estimates with caution, given the drop in oil prices impacts on the Russian economy, slowing growth in China and uncertainty in the EU economy. For comparison, in 2014 Latvijas Balzams turnover amounted to 73.052 million euros, profit – 7.962 million euros.

Founded in 1900, the company Latvijas balzams is the largest producer of alcoholic beverages in the Baltic States. Since 2014 Latvijas Balzams is in a holding company Amber Beverage Group.

Whisky in Russia

Now the major players in the whiskey market in Russia – a multinational spirits companies. The first place is occupied by Diageo (brands Johnnie Walker, White Horse) with a supply capacity of 10.5 million liters in Russia in 2015, the second – Bacardi (William Lawson`s, Dewar`s) – 6,1 million liters, the third – Pernod Ricard (Jameson, Chivas Regal) – 5 million liters.

Whiskey market in Russia grew until 2012, being one of the fastest growing categories among alcoholic beverages. In 2012-2014, there was a stagnation – the volume of imports fluctuated at the level of 40-42 million liters per year, but in the crisis in 2015 was projected drop of whiskey supply to Russia: devalued the ruble and imported alcohol prices rose sharply. According to the Federal Customs Service imports of whiskey fell by 22.3% last year, to 33.59 million liters.

About craft beer in Russia

For a start it is worth recalling that, according to the Brewers Association of the United States. craft may be considered the one brewery, which produces no more than 70 million decaliters of beer per year, is an independent (outside investors and shareholders may not have more than 25% in the capital) and manufactures products with a large proportion of malt in accordance with the traditions of brewing.

The reason for appearance of the crafting brewing in the world in the early 1970s – consumers tired of the domination of beer of industrial standard, which resulted from the consolidation of the beer market in the world. As for the Russian beer market, is now crafting brewery accounts for about 1% of it. However, multinational companies are already seeking to take a seat in the front row. Against the background of a stable reducing their own sales international giants will fight for the youth audience in Russia, which crafting beer is gaining popularity.

In Russia there are no official statistics that would reflect the exact amount of crafting beer segment. As there is no industry associations crafting producers who could carry such statistics. But some calculations to do it is still possible.

According to beer сompany “Baltika” (owned by Danish group Carlsberg), in 2015 the volume of all Russian beer market amounted to 698 million dal. Nielsen Company estimates that in volume terms on the four international brewing companies in 2015 accounted for 73.5% of all beer in the Russian market: Carlsberg – 34,7%, Heineken – 12,9%, Anheuser-Busch InBev – 12,8% , Efes – 13%. The remaining 26.5% of the market consists of relatively large producers of beer, for example, the Moscow Brewing Company and “Ochakovo” (for two accounts for about 6-7% of the market, and about 2% in Trechsosensky brewery and 1% in the “Buket Chuvaschji”). On imported beer from the CIS and other countries together accounted for about 2.5% last year, another 1.5% – on private brand of retailers. The rest, about 13%, accounted for the smallest local producers, the number of which, according to various estimates of market participants, ranging from 250 to 350. They are today the fastest growing group.

Proper assessment of market participants about crafting beer volumes in Russia vary widely. For example, the Heineken evaluates them in a little more than 1 million dal in a year, that is significantly less than 1% of the total beer market in the country. The “Baltic”, however, believe that the real producers of craft has a share of about 2% today, and it is already almost 14 million decaliters.

Since 2010 the number of crafting breweries in Russia increased 7.5 times – from 13 to 98 in 2015. (For comparison: in the past year crafting US breweries produced 287.4 million decaliters of beer (13% more than in 2014) to $ 22.3 billion – a 12% of the US beer market by volume and 21% in value terms).

The difficulty in assessing this segment of the Russian beer market is largely due to the fact that there is no conventional definition of crafting brewing in Russia. In most cases, a beer crafting involve experimental author’s beers produced in small batches, which use the original ingredients and innovative recipes. But at the same time, many local manufacturers use a fashionable and beautiful the term “craft”, replacing them before another popular term “living beer”.

I believe that in the future may take crafting beer in Russia of 10% -12% of the market, but it will happen no earlier than in ten years. Then beer giants will not be limited only to the delivery on the Russian market of their own crafting brands, but they will buy Russian breweries, that have achieved the greatest success in this segment. This is already happening in other Western markets. I also believe that to win the Russian segment of crafting beer large breweries will be use retail chains, where products of breweries, specializing in the production only craft, now virtually non-exist. Today, the traditional sales channel of crafting beer are dedicated bars, pubs and shops.

The appearance in Russia crafting breweries and bars with their products is characterized mainly for megacities, where the standard of living of the population is traditionally higher. In the bars the price of crafting beer domestic production varies from about 150 rubles (US $2.3) up to 350 rubles (US $5.4) for a half-liter mug, taking from the price point of view the intermediate space between the premium bottled beer from the shop and draft imported beer from bar.

Email: alko-pr59@yandex.ru

Weekly analytical column of Vadim Drobiz Week April, 11 2016 – April, 17 2016 (7)

Weekly analytical column of Vadim Drobiz

Week April, 11 2016 – April, 17 2016

Vadim Drobiz – Head of the Center for Federal and Regional Alcohol Market Research (CFRAMR)

The most quoted in the Russian media expert on the alcohol market of Russia, former Soviet republics and Eastern Europe. The latest news, detailed analysis, commentary, statistical databases on the alcohol market since 2002.

Full versions of the materials published in Russian on the website Vadim Drobiz http://cifrra.info/

Email: alko-pr59@yandex.ru

The benefits and harms. What more?

For one of the Russian TV channels I have prepared material on the anti-alcohol campaigns in the world in general and the Soviet campaign period 1985 – 1990 years. From my point of view, all that is written about this in the Russian media and say officials mostly lies and myths.

I believe that illiterate anti-alcohol campaign (ААС), based on the prohibitions and restrictions, meaningless, stupid and destructive. They are in this case are means of PR interest groups of persons, or carried out in order to cover a certain other planned events, objectives, reform, the corporate interests of the public and state medical organizations …

  1. International ААС

– the positive experience of AAC there is no and was not. It is impossible to change something only prohibitions and restrictions in any country of the world. Without fail they must be accompanied by a dramatic improvement in the level and quality of life. Without this, usually, in the course of the AAC, and after its completion predominate adverse side effects, which even at the beginning did not expect.

  1. Historical facts

– it is useful to remember that the basis for the beginning of the liberation struggles of the future United States from Britain were high taxes on alcohol in the 17th century.

– Prohibition in the United States in the first third of the 20th century has led only to negative consequences: repeatedly increased production of illegal alcohol; there was a total criminalization of State institutions and society (Hollywood on this subject took a lot of pictures); Mafia flourishing (especially Italian), home moonshining; there was a flowering of addiction etc. Published data show that with the introduction of Prohibition in the United States real serious reduction in alcohol consumption, taking into account illegal production, has not occurred.

– the later period: the last 30 years, Finland and Sweden live on anti-alcoholic recommendations of the World Health Organization. The result – only negative consequences. Alcoholism in the two countries officially grown at times among adults and adolescents. This does not save even a state monopoly on the retail sale of alcohol. In fact, in Sweden and Finland there is a massive moonshining, the purchase and importation of alcoholic drinks from neighboring countries, especially the Baltic, Russia and Belarus. Finnish tourists, for example, bought in 2014- 2015 and imported to their country for more than 30% of all alcohol sold in retail trade in Estonia.

– in any country with European culture (they include and Russia, despite that Russian authorities say about “turn to the East”), not to come up with the local authorities from Prohibition to semi-dry, or what else, 80% of the adult population (the most energetic, socially and economically active, educated, healthy, etc.) consume alcohol. It was, is and will be. Of this amount, not more than 10% -15% alcohol abuse.

3. Russia and the world today:

– In 2013 it was officially recognized that alcohol consumption in the EU and in Russia on average equal to 12.5 liters of pure alcohol per capita per year. Of course, different countries have different culture consumption, consumption patterns, drinks themselves, their quality, but the volume is approximately the same. With regard to the set of the WHO threshold of 8 liters of alcohol per capita per year, after which begins the alleged degradation of the nation, the country with European culture have a minimum of 120 years consumption per capita accounts for about 10-12 liters. So WHO already in 2015 raised the question of increasing the set threshold from 8 to 10 liters. With the same amount of consumption in the 12-12.5 liters of alcohol per year alcohol drinks in Russia today is 8-10 times more expensive relatively, than in EU countries and North America. Example: on unemployment benefit in the US, the EU and other developed countries resident can buy more than 200 bottles of legal strong alcohol. On unemployment benefit in Russia  – 20 bottles (10 times smaller!); on minimum wage – 30 bottles; on the normal (by Russian standards) wages in the region- 70 bottles of legal vodka.

From this involuntarily raises two questions:

– why Westerners are not drowned in alcohol at such its availability? Simply population of all countries consume alcohol to its limits – physical, financial, cultural, religious, medical, customs, etc.

– why Western governments allow for such a low price and availability of alcohol? In my opinion, they well aware that much more expensive and more difficult to deal with the social and health consequences of use and abuse populations of illegal and surrogate products than with the same, but from a legal factory production. In Russia today 65% of spirits – is illegal and the surrogate products. Over 50% of the volume of alcohol sold outside the legal official retail.

4. Russian history

– in Russia has always drank a lot (the last 300 years at least), but had never been very drunk country in the world. Just Russian drunkenness due to poverty of the population has always been at the household level “ugly”, unattractive and uncomfortable, way to release the “steam” dissatisfaction with their lives. For a long time, the population of Western countries prefer to drink alcohol in the bars, cafes, restaurants (there are drunk alcohol 40%), while in Russia only 3%, and mostly Russians drink on the street, in parks, on a picnic, etc. For 70% of the Russians too expensive to go to bars and restaurants.

– 19th century – the heyday of alcoholism in Russia. In archives can be found information that more than 50% of children in the late 19th and early 20th century have been drinking alcohol. In 1861, the abolition of serfdom – 20 million people of the 60 million population of Russia become free but left without money and property – and most of them with grief and despair began to drink.

– it is a complete lie about the “temperance riots” in Russia, which took place in the second half of the 19th century. These were the revolts of the population for reducing prices for vodka! False assertion that Russian was a sober country in the 18-19 centuries and the beginning of the 20th century only reduces the importance and complexity of the problem of alcohol abuse in Russia.

– has not been in Russia 4 liters of alcohol per capita in 1905, as claimed by the official statistics, simply because while there was virtually no social statistics. While 90% of the population lived in rural areas and to collect any statistical data it was simply impossible. Because of excessive alcohol consumption in Russia in 1914 introduced a dry law. It was abolished the Soviet government after the Revolution: according to official data each year were seized up to 1 million moonshine devices in the country. It was therefore decided surrogate, artisanal products to replace with the state quality factory production. From this product the government began to receive excise duties.

– in 1950 – 1980 years in the Soviet Union formed a reasonable structure of consumption of alcohol – “wine-vodka”, to which today are moving spirits markets in different countries: 10 liters of spirits per year per capita, 27 liters of wine products and 24 liters of beer. From moonshine-vodka country after World War II the Soviet Union has become a country with a culture of wine consumption. This prevailing consumption pattern began to break down of the reforms since 1985.

5. The anti-alcohol campaign of 1985- 1990 years

Particularly strong reasons for starting the company was not. Alcohol consumption in Russia at that time was at the level of any European country. Once in power, Mikhail Gorbachev decided to start with reforms. For more political effect decided to start with the anti-alcohol campaign. Though actually needed economic reforms. On the significance at that time alcohol problem was in 10th place. In fact, this campaign was needed to cover the ideological, political, social and economic reforms. Similarly, the anti-alcohol campaign in 2008- 2015 years in Russia was necessary as a screen for carrying out administrative and fiscal reforms in the alcohol market in the years 2010- 2016.

In 1985, with the help of a campaign, created an artificial shortage of legal factory quality alcohol. The main thing what experienced a large part of the population – a deep sense of humiliation from action of the power – all admitted alcoholics! On vodka were introduced stamps, there were long queues for it, have been actively promoted nonalcoholic weddings, holidays, birthdays, etc. But alcohol abuse does not exceed 15% of the population!

Any anti-alcohol campaign ostensibly aimed at reducing consumption. But if 65% -70% of the adult population of the country moderate consumers, they don’t care about the campaign. It only creates inconvenience to which people adapt quickly. Even more, it is indifferent to drunks – they go straight to the surrogates.

6. Impact of anti-alcohol campaigns:

– anti-alcohol campaign can not be carried out in European countries in the period of serious social and economic reforms. It always acts destructively.

– implementation of any restrictive measures on alcohol consumption can not be separated from the general socio-economic policy of country. In Gorbachev’s time appeared many hopes, older people do not want to die so great was during this period the belief in a bright and happy future of the country. People wanted changes. That is what caused the fall of mortality at that time, but not the results of a semi-dry law. Today, it seems strange, but it was …

– Prohibition did not destroy the Soviet Union: in the period of its existence the alcohol brought into the treasury 5%-6% of revenue, after the anti-alcohol measures of Gorbachev was 3%, this does not destroy the economy!

– real reduction of alcohol consumption did not happen, although the official production fell by 2 times. All was immediately replaced by a surrogate, artisanal products. Even I, almost teetotal man, at that time had always at home 3-4 jars (3 liters each) of house wine. And basically everywhere was moonshining.  As a result:

– criminalization of society and the population in the presence of powerful illegal production.

– flowering of addiction … In the USSR this problem almost unknown until 1985 …

– the destruction of reasonable patterns of wine and vodka consumption. It began refuse of wine consumption. A significant role played the effects of economic reforms: a sharp decline in the level and quality of life, falling incomes, total deficit of all.

– formation of hatred among the population to state institutions of power, a sense of moral humiliation and resentment of the fact that normal people have taken away the right to make own decision to drink or not, to decide the rate of drinking, etc.

– in Russia today as a result of ill-considered and sometimes just silly alcohol and anti-alcohol policy have created a most unpleasant phenomenon that has become unaffordable for the majority of population the factory legal alcohol, which immediately led to a sharp increase in the volume of illegally-surrogate alcohol sold out legitimate retailers in the volume more than 1 billion liters per year, which is buy no less than 20 million people in the country.

7. Positive experience of anti-alcohol campaigns:

A positive experience in reducing alcohol abuse is still accumulated in Western Europe in the second half of the 20th century. This occurred for the following reasons:

– by increasing the level of quality of life, medicine, income, care about their health, etc.;

– change the nature of work: people with street work began to move en masse to offices;

– motorization of the population, fear of losing a driver’s license if caught driving drunk;

– the population had other interests. Due to the fact that alcohol in Western countries is cheap (relative to wages), for food and drinks the inhabitants of these countries spend 10% -15% of their income, while 65% of Russia population spends more than 50% of their income. Therefore, the citizens of Western countries have the opportunity to buy something else, to go traveling, has fun, relax, etc. The development of any state and society depends on the availability of public money not only for food and drinks, but also everything else that moves the economy and developing business in these countries!

8. It is necessary to say that …

All the anti-alcohol campaign in the past 120 years in different countries of the European culture led to the same result – increase in drug consumption.

The fall in beer consumption in Russia: causes and consequences

Now Russian media talk a lot about what the Russians reduce the consumption of beer. If they drank 11.5 billion liters of intoxicating drink in 2007, then in 2015, – about 8.2 billion liters, and in the coming year, this trend has continued to decline in consumption. Loss of consumer has a negative impact on the market, since almost the entire volume of beer, produced in Russia, sold here. A capacity to move quickly to the export the majority of brewers have not.

Since the beginning of this year, the American company Cargill stopped the work of one of the largest producers of malt in Russia. Other such enterprises are also not loaded in full. The reason for this was the fall in demand for malt, which experts link with the fall of the beer market. The beer market, in turn, suffers from strict regulation: aggressive excise policy of the state, a ban on advertising, restrictions on beer sales places, threats ban the use of plastic packaging and the introduction on 1 January 2016 in wholesale sector of the automated system of state control over the volume of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol and alcohol-containing products. Another important reason – the general economic crisis in the country.

In my opinion, the main cause of all the present troubles of Brewers – demography. In the 1990s, the birth rate in Russia has plummeted, and until 2002 the country’s children were born in two times less than in previous years. And young people start consume beer at about 17-18 years (in Russia it is permissible age). Here since 2007, when the beer began to consume the first representatives of this not numerous generation, began reducing the consumption of beer.

This trend will be guaranteed to last at least until 2020, independently of all other causes. The new beer consumers becomes potentially half, and on the other hand, people exit from this market in the previous amounts at a certain age – after 55 the Russian men almost do not drink beer. So that is a very significant demographic reduction of the beer market.

Similar processes occur in other sectors of the alcoholic drinks. On the wine market in Russia there is observed a drop from about 2011-2012. Backlog of beer due to the fact that the primary audience of wine in the country are women. They are more or less actively begin to drink wine in an average of 21-22 years. As for spirits, there is a demographic crisis will begin in 2017-2018, respectively. Young people, whatever drinks they drank up to 27-28 years, still come eventually to the strong alcohol.

In addition to the problems of demography Russian beer market is currently characterized by two important circumstances. The first – a gradual shift from the “pedestal” Western beer companies. Five multinational holding companies have come to the Russian market in 1995 and by 2007 it occupied 92%, leaving only 8% to local. But then they began to give ground, and by the end of last year they accounted for already 73% of the market. It is the Western companies had major drop in production – in the last five years, they closed about 12 plants in Russia. And two years later, I think, they will have less than 70% of the beer market in Russia.

This is partly the reason in the second trend – the development of crafting brewing. This are small brewery, which makes beer in small quantities for unique recipes. All are basically Russian. By the way, Russian brewers are increasing production in the face of the current ban beer advertising. I want to note that the usual advertising stimulates consumption of a particular brand of beer but not in general beer consumption.

Western companies think that Russia will become a conditional Czech Republic or Germany, where population drink 120-130 liters of beer per capita per year. It will not work in Russia. In our country, there is also no a direct relationship between the consumption of beer and spirits. Reduction of consumption of one is not at the same time to increase the consumption of another. It is worth recalling that in the Soviet Union and after its collapse no one took the beer as an alcoholic beverage. In 1995, beer consumption was 15 liters per capita per year. When came to the Russian market Western companies for a period 12 years this figure increased to 81 liters per capita. At the same time the market of low-alcoholic beverages was established. It seemed that in these conditions the consumption of vodka and its surrogates, as well as other alcohol drinks had to fall sharply, but nothing happened. From this I conclude that in Russia is no exist relationship between beer and spirits. It is only in the minds of western brewers, operating in Russia, which is necessary to justify the market decline. But they are the true reasons prefer not to mention.

But, as for the market of low-alcoholic beverages, it is practically in Russia no longer exists, because he has fallen in four times over the last ten years, and it was destroyed by Russian laws.

Hangover means no more popular in Russia?

I recently got a call from the office of one of the leading Russian newspapers (“Vedomosti”) with a request to give clarification: it was found another “crisis” in Russia – there was a sharp drop in the import sector, the production and sales of remedy of hangover. They asked: “If this is due to the general decline in alcohol consumption in Russia?” I had to reassure journalists:

– such hangover remedy bought before the country’s middle class, apparently forgetting under pressure of advertising superiority over them classic domestic remedies – cucumber and cabbage brines. It is historically Russian, native and the most effective remedy for a morning hangover, and most importantly – cheap! So this is a vivid example of effective import substitution by native  product!

– but more importantly it seems to me a complete rejection of such means in order to survive the next round of the socio-economic crisis in the country, in which we ourselves were driven in 2014. What is the point in remedy of hangover? Why leave the pleasant euphoric state of mind and body when there are so many problems and hardships? Being constantly in lightweight intoxication can be easier to survive the crisis! (Just kidding).

– and finally: beer, in principle, previously perceived in Russia as an active hangover drink, but the drop, experienced by the beer market in 7-8 years, says the loss of the product even such a primitive and useful properties. And maybe that’s the reason the beer market decline in the country? (Again, just kidding!)

– by the way, in medical journals are increasingly repeated that morning sex is recommended as an effective hangover remedy! If this is true, then we will wait for boomers explosion in our country. In the evening drinking in Russia is still a lot, and in the morning from this bad headache!

Note: One of the causes of poor health during a hangover – improper fluid shifts in the body: in vessels liquid is not enough, and in the tissues – excess. Properly distribute the liquid helps to drink plenty. But before drinking water, it is desirable to make up a stock salt-electrolytes, for example, drink a glass of brine of cabbage or cucumber. But need to remember that a drink should be a brine, not marinade. The dose should be small – not more than glass.

Brine is a mixture of water and salt used to preserve or season vegetables, fruits, fish and meat in a process known as brining. In Russian cuisine the leftover brine, called rassol, has a number of culinary uses, e.g., for shchi, rassolnik, solyanka. Rassol, especially cucumber rassol, or sauerkraut rassol, is also a favorite traditional remedy against morning hangover.

Loyalty to the brand

We are trying to live in a free, democratic market… How many beautiful names and terms presented us with marketing in recent years. Among them is such a thing as lifetime of brand. It can be different. In Russia, one can count several types of alcoholic brands live long enough:

– strong foreign premium – they live a long time. It’s all easy to explain – an age-old loyalty: if on the status is necessary to drink these distillates – then they need to drink in spite of the price of the product: just like Johnnie Walker whiskey and Vodka Absolut;

– wine imported luxury brands – it is for dudes and aesthetes, experiencing their own superiority over the rest of the consumers. Due to them, even at such exorbitant prices for such wine from advertising and activities of the various ambassadors brands in the world, such brands also live for a long time;

– mass wine cheap foreign brands – they are in the Russian market is becoming less and less. In this regard, it can be claim that their lifespan is coming to an end.

– russian wine brands – actually just formed. But at the hearing. Perhaps they have a great future, but only time will tell…

– russian cognac brands – as long as everything is very vague, but let them be all right;

– russian beer brands – it’s just the murder of country’s population with advertising. In recent years, much lose their consumer audience.

– brands of the former republics of the Soviet Union – for example, the Moldovan cognac “White Stork”, Armenian cognac “Ararat”, Georgian wine “Kindzmarauli” and “Apsny” etc. Oddly enough, these brands are still live, but mostly among the elderly. Youth knows them a little.

– old Soviet vodka brands – there are constant litigation between Russian businessman Yuri Shefler, owner of SPI (Spirits International), and the state enterprise “Souzplodoimport” per brand “Stolichnaya” and others. Its brands with a long history and popularity among the Russian pipple.

– new Russian vodka brands of the past 20 years. The list of the main ones is presented in the table below.

Market shares of major Russian vodka brands on the volume of products sold (in%)

Brands January – November 2014 January – November 2015
«Pjat Ozer» 5% 4,5%
«Belenkaja» 5,2% 4,2%
«Zelenaja Marka» 4,8% 3,4%
«Dobrji Medved» 1,25% 2,3%
«Кalina Krasnaja» 0,65% 2,2%
«Chortiza» 3,2% 2,2%
«Тalka» 1,9% 2,2%
«Putinka» 2% 2,2%
«Staraja Marka» 1% 2,2%
«Меdoff» 1% 2,2%
In total 26% 27,6 %
Other 74% 72,4%

The figures show that the proportion of factory vodka brands on the Russian alcohol market market falls. There has been a significant increase in moonshining. It seems to many almost a blessing: it is safer for health, and cheaper for purse. In Russia, there are moonshiners festivals. In stores are bought at great speed moonshine apparatus. Just a little bit – and it will get the scope of the industry, when those who are now do for themselves, will start producing it for sale. This could end very badly for the country!

Email: alko-pr59@yandex.ru

Weekly analytical column of Vadim Drobiz Week April, 04 2016 – April, 10 2016 (6)

Weekly analytical column of Vadim Drobiz

Week April, 04 2016 – April, 10 2016

Vadim Drobiz – Head of the Center for Federal and Regional Alcohol Market Research (CFRAMR)

The most quoted in the Russian media expert on the alcohol market of Russia, former Soviet republics and Eastern Europe. The latest news, detailed analysis, commentary, statistical databases on the alcohol market since 2002.

Full versions of the materials published in Russian on the website Vadim Drobiz http://cifrra.info/

Email: alko-pr59@yandex.ru


Today, the Russian state has a net profit from alcohol in the form of excise duties and value added tax of more than 300 billion rubles a year, even with the fall production of legal vodka in 2015. With the exchange rate at the beginning of April 2016 ($ 1 = 70 rubles) 300 billion rubles corresponds to $ 4.3 billion.

According to the Russian statistics agency Rosstat for 2015 the price of alcoholic beverages in Russia grew by 7.7%. Since the beginning of the current year – by 2.1%, for the month of March – by 0.9%.

At the time, the Soviet Union shared with Spain third largest producer of wine, followed only to France and Italy. Gorbachev’s prohibition cut down 200 thousand hectares of vineyards. The country has lost its own place in the market of production of grapes and irrevocably destroyed several unique varieties. At the same time the existing Russian vineyards not contaminated chemistry as eminent European, simply because purchasing imported chemicals are expensive, and it can save twice as organic.

The well-known Russian economist Igor Nikolaev noticed one contemporary “amazing” phenomenon in the Russian industry: in the Russian Federation falls the production of almost all kinds of goods and services, and only increased the production of yeast and just by 40.3%. This is easily explained – the reason for such a sharp rise in demand for yeast is moonshining mass of the population.

Medicine and alcohol…

I found a good foreign medical material (good – because honest!) What is behind the “spectacular” discoveries in the field of medicine and healthy lifestyle? How many times have you read that red wine prolongs life? And how much of that alcohol is harmful? Often articles of publications contradict each other. In the case of competing editions it becomes mandatory aspect of the struggle for the reader.

Why should not believe in “spectacular” discoveries in the field of medicine? In American Journal of Medicine published a study that may help answer this question. “… From 1979 to 1983, in scientific journals had announced about 101 the openings  in the field of medicine. All they had to help deal with a variety of diseases, but only five have entered the market over the next 10 years, and only one widely used until now. The new assumptions that contradict all previous experience, are often wrong …”

There is a thousand-year experience in the benefit of wine and alcohol in moderation: evidence of that – the preservation of man and his culture in at least the last 2000 years …

Alcohol and budget

I have already mentioned here that in the USSR in 1970-1980-s alcohol gave about 5-6% of revenue in the budget. For comparison: in 2015, alcohol has brought only a little more than 1% of revenues to the Russian budget. And what was before the Revolution, in tsarist Russia? Statistics says that in those days the state budget by 20% -25% was covered by taxes on alcohol. At the same time, according to official statistics, at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries in Russia per year per capita consumes only 4 liters of alcohol! (Obviously underestimated by official statistics figure!) In fact, in the country was incredible drunkenness! Then the production of alcohol and tobacco monopolized by state.

It would be a disaster if ever again in Russia is 20% -25% of the budget from alcohol. This will mean full economic degradation – we simply will not have any economy in the country in such numbers. And tsarist Russia, no matter how much it did not admired individuals, in the period 1885 – 1917’s was just economically backward agricultural country. While at the same time and excellent built warships, and railroads with locomotives, and weapons made good, etc. But in general, the country has been severely economically backward.

Russia’s “import substitution”…

(From an interview with the owner of one of the Russian retail chains…)

– We had to give up part of premium goods, for example, from frozen snails. Also, there is a shift in demand segments: beef has become expensive and people are buying cheaper pork. Those, who bought pork before, switching to chicken. A chicken lovers now prefer simply to fry potatoes. That is, consumption remains at the same level, but seriously reduces the quality of food … Alcohol also belongs to the group of goods, for which demand falls in the population. And here comes the same flow of consumers in the lower price segment. And those, who drank before cheap alcohol, now switching to illegal drinks and surrogate.

– Is there any food shortages in the country today?

– There is no shortage, including through reexports. Forbidden by Russian “anti-sanctions” Polish apples began to be supplied to Russia via Belarus. When and this channel is blocked, the Poles began to send apples in Serbia, which was not included in the list of countries to which Russia extended “anti-sanctions”. There apples repacked in other boxes under the guise of Serbian and delivered to Russia. And these “Polish-Serbian” apples, because of the double repackaging and additional distance, rising in price. Today, according to the certificates, we sell Azerbaijan tomatoes, but how in a short period of time in this country appeared the new greenhouses and such volumes of production, history is silent. However, it is well known that Azerbaijan has a great relationship with Turkey and very likely this is Turkish tomatoes, which are banned for direct deliveries to Russia.

In the premium segment the story is the same. If in restaurant to order oysters and ask the owner  where they were taken, he replied with a smile: “From Tunisia.” And we realize that in fact they from France, but under the certificate of the country, does not come under “anti-sanctions”.

Error of the authorities? ..

In the current difficult economic conditions in Russia should take steps to strengthen the demand from the population. But Russian authorities have relied on the support of producers. In the entire history of any national economy failed to emerge from the crisis without the resumption of effective demand of the population. Therefore, the government antirecessionary plan would be to focus on stimulating consumption, but this did not happen one  and a half years of crisis. The turnover of Russian retail trade in 2015 fell by 10%, the worst figure for the last 45 years. In 2016 the trend is maintained, while the real incomes of Russians to the beginning of the spring fallen for 16 consecutive months.

The economic crisis is changing the consumer behavior of Russians. It begins to dominate the savings model of consumption. As a consequence – a steady increase in interest from both buyers and retailers to their own brand (OB). Today, almost all retailers who are engaged in their own brands, fix the increase in demand for them – their share in the average check is steadily growing. Experts explain this state of affairs the new economic reality. The fact that more than 70% of Russian consumers have started to save, including food products.


Experts have called, in their opinion, the most effective mechanism for combating with counterfeit alcohol. While the state distilleries will sell “gray” alcohol, there will be an illegal alcoholic products on the Ukrainian market. According to government authorities of the country the shadow alcohol market in Ukraine is not less than 40%. (Very similar figures observed in the Russian alcohol market!)

Over the past few years it has not been established any prerequisites for reducing the amount of illegal products on the alcohol market. Some actions of the state only contributed to an increase in its amount. For example, a sharp increase in excise tax, which is paid by the buyer. New excise taxes take effect from 1 March 2016. They grew by 50% – up to 105.8 ukrainian grivna (UAH) per 1 liter of pure alcohol, or $ 4 at the exchange rate at the beginning of April this year.

In addition, selling prices for ethyl alcohol were increased from 1 April this year. This decision was adopted in mid-March the state monopolist “Ukrspirt”. The rise in price of ethyl alcohol “Luxe” was 18.75%. Increasing the value of the ethyl alcohol company explains the rise in price by 30% of the grain from which it is produced, and by 16% – electricity. Thus, the price of half-liter bottle of vodka increased from 55 to 74 UAH ($ 2.8), growth of 35%. All this in a difficult economic climate and the low purchasing power has led to the reorientation of consumers to the illegal, but more price affordable product and a surge in home moonshine.

It is worth noting that we are talking exclusively about the strong alcohol. The share of counterfeit wine production is very small because it illegally to produce economically disadvantageous.

Today in Ukraine there is a state monopoly on ethyl alcohol production – the main component of vodka, which is concentrated in the hands of the group “Ukrspirt”. And while the state distilleries will sell “gray” ethyl alcohol, there will be illegal products on the Ukrainian market. According to Ukrainian experts, the most effective mechanism for combating with counterfeit alcohol is privatization of distilleries. (It is worth noting that in Russia today there is an opposite trend. There is now distilleries in private hands, and Russian government wants to introduce a state monopoly on ethyl alcohol production!)

The principles of state regulation of the alcohol market

I am often asked: “What are the principles of state regulation of the alcohol market?” The last one came from France. My opinion on this matter as follows:

Firstly: the regulation of the alcohol market – it is always “playing with fire”, it is difficult and dangerous. We must always remember that 80% of the adult population in almost every country will consume alcohol (except for those where alcohol consumption is limited cultural traditions, religion, economic factors, etc.). It is always the most active, healthy, energetic group of people, which develops its own state, its economy and society. Of these 80% – to 10% -15% – will abuse it.

Second: adjusting the alcohol market, the state thus intrudes into the sphere of private life of this large group of people. And most importantly – in the sphere of obtaining pleasure! Therefore, a maximum caution and deep consideration the psychology of consumer behavior.

Third: Do not allow to process of regulation of alcohol market of various deputies, officials, ministers, who will try to make on this a PR company. It is necessary to add also the doctors and public organizations that have a strong influence on decision-making by the state. Their opinions are often biased and subject to certain opportunistic considerations. But the influence of these groups of people in the European and North American countries are not very significant, since any prohibitions and restrictions are ridiculous at maximum affordability of alcohol for all social groups in these countries. It is quite another to Russia, where alcohol is expensive and prohibitions and restrictions only push consumers in the illegal sector of alcohol or moonshine.

Fourth: only adjusting restrictions and prohibitions cannot have an impact on the final consumer in the right direction to reduce alcohol abuse. The degree of excessive alcohol abuse in country define those consumers who abuse alcohol. And the prohibitions and restrictions tend to hit the moderate part of the consumers. As a result, the effect is zero.

Fifth: the real goals and objectives of alcohol regulation as follows:

– most importantly – the safety of products for the population;

– enough to comply strictly with quality standards;

– the formation of a reasonable culture of consumption;

– the formation of a reasonable structure of consumption;

– correspondence between the real physical needs of the population in alcohol, its income and  the legal alcohol prices;

– reasonable anti-alcohol advertising and education;

– the legality of production and fiscal policies;

I knowingly put legality and fiscal in last place – it’s the final indicators of efficiency of alcohol policy. If you do everything correctly and competently, it will be illegal not more than 10% -12% of the market (so historically in Western countries in the last 30 years). And excise tax will be collected safely. Then no meaning if certain industry sectors (production, sales, etc.). will have state ownership. It is already at will; If the state wants to problems on his head and discredit government institutions – please, let them do it. If not – then let it be a private business.

Russian market of beer and malt

Year Manufacture of malt,million tons Production of beer,billion liters
2010 1.01 10.29
2011 0.96 9.94
2012 1.22 9.55
2013 1.11 8.31
2014 1.07 7.66
2015 1.06 7.30

The largest brewing companies in Russia

Name % of the total beer market in volume amount
Балтика (Baltika) 33.6
САН инБев (AB inBev) 13.9
Эфес (Anadolu Efes) 13.4
Хайнекен (Heineken) 12.8
Moscow Brewing Company 3.7
Other 22.6

If every Chinese person would buy a bottle of Moldovan wine…

Moldovan winemakers have long dream of the Chinese market, especially after the loss of the Russian. Currently, there is 1.1 billion people live in the age permitted for consumption of alcohol. As they say in the Moldovan wine industry, if every Chinese would buy a bottle of Moldovan wine, it would solve most of their problems. Over 2014 customers in China was sold 4.3 billion liters of wine (including grape wines – 2 billion liters) of almost $ 40.5 billion. Since 2009, sales of wine in volume terms is growing by an average of 7% per year, and is projected to continue the growth trend of about 6% to 2019 per year. The five largest wine suppliers in China in terms of volume included France, Chile, Spain, Australia and Italy. The share of Moldovan wines in the segment – less than 1%. Studies show that in recent years the Chinese market has been focused on the mid-price segment, as in the country continued to campaign against bribes and expensive gifts to officials, as well as the economic slowdown. Because of this, in China significantly decreased sales of wines of “premium” class.

In quantitative terms, wine consumption in China inhomogeneous. The largest – in the eastern part (6.9 liters per capita) and the smallest – in the north-western part of (0.5 liters). In retail sales of natural wines are the most popular red wines (74%), due to its color symbolizing prosperity. Sparkling wines in the country are the smallest sales (in liters), but they have the highest prices for a bottle of the product – almost three times higher than other wines. They promoted as drinks for weddings and celebrations.

When importing Moldovan wines in China is subject to the following taxes: excise duty is 10% of the cost, duty- 14% for wines and 65% – for fortified wines, VAT – 17%. Therefore, Moldovan winemakers are asking their government, following the example of Chile, to conclude an agreement with the Chinese authorities on the duty-free import of wines. Currently, because of the duties, Moldovan wines difficult to compete with Chilean and Spanish, which are the most affordable of the imported products.

The Chinese, in principle, know little about wine, so Moldova may come to the market on an equal footing with other countries. In Europe, the Moldovan wines difficult to compete with a very strong culture of Italian, French and Spanish wine. In China, Moldovan wines can have a success, and they begin to be present there.

(In my opinion, this is all from the field of fantasies Moldovans, Georgians, French, Spanish, Australians, Italians, etc. On the Chinese wine market are not so simple…)